Lisa O'Brien
February 2025
2025 The Year of the Yin Wood Snake
Key words: Strategy, transformation, movement, innovation, adaptability, productivity, timing, due diligence, trust, patience.
Characteristics of Yin Wood: Flexible and adaptable, innately intelligent and can insidiously and curiously find its way into anything
Characteristics of the Tai Sui Snake: The Snake is a travel star. One of four travel stars, it presents as Yin, but its hidden elements reveal Yang Earth, Yang Fire and Yang Metal. As Yin Wood pairs up with the Yin Wood Stem, the Year is dominated by Earth and Fire. It is mysterious, sensual, strategic, shrewd, calculating and patient. A snake can shed its skin many times a year transforming and renewing itself.
The birthday of the Tai Sui, Ruler of the year – 3 February at 10.25pm

癸 癸 戊 乙
亥 卯 寅 巳
壬甲 乙 甲戊丙 丙庚戊
2025 presents us with the arrival of the Yin Wood Snake at 10.25 pm on the 3 February. While the energies are less aggressive than those of the volatile and intense Yang Wood Dragon in 2024, you can expect another busy year of movement, innovation and transformation as the Snake is one of four travel horses, and travel horse years predispose lots of travel and movement.
Known as the Tai Sui or ruler of the year, the Yin Wood Snake is a charming and innately clever strategist who can manipulate, transform and renew itself with its ability to shed its skin on a whim. Appearances will be deceiving in 2025, and it is a year that requires you to think and act quickly to take advantage of abundant opportunities that arise, however, make sure you perform due diligence on financial investments or business transactions. Opportunities abound as the world is in a state of transformation where nothing will stay the same for long. Innovation and imagination are the name of the game.
Elementally, those who favour the Wood, Fire and Earth elements will benefit in 2025. Metal and Water are in short supply, leading to a hotter, drier year with the potential for heat-related explosions and volcanic eruptions.
Industries to benefit in 2025
Construction and building industries utilising the Earth and Wood elements are set to benefit. Wood represents growth and innovation. As Metal is paired up with Yin Wood we may see a shortage in various minerals including gold, and a slowdown in weapons manufacturing.
How will you be affected in 2025?
How you will be personally affected by the Year of the Yin Wood Snake depends on your unique Bazi or Four Pillars birth chart. Understanding your elemental preferences and personal characteristics is important in navigating the universal energy and how it will affect you. For example, if you are born in a Monkey, Rooster, or Ox year (friends of the Snake), then generally speaking, you should be on good terms with the ruling Snake of the year. Conversely, if you are born in a Pig year or have a Pig present in your month or even day pillar, it might be a year to slow down and recalibrate. There are, of course, exceptions. Bear in mind that it depends on the individual’s birth chart, their Feng Shui and the decisions they may or may not make at a particular time. Remember, timing is everything! ChiChart has made it easier to navigate 2025 with a personalised daily planner to help you gain the greatest return on your energy investment.
Flying Stars for 2025
1 6 8
9 2 4
5 7 3
Speaking of timing, every year the energy shifts in a geographical pattern. Known as Flying Stars, they are configured in what’s known as the Lo Shu. Each of the nine numbers is associated with an element, a direction, plus a whole lot more.
The 2025 year has the #2 illness star in the centre, implying that health issues will dominate the global stage. People in the East need to take extra precautions and prepare for unpleasant surprises as the three killings occupy this position. Avoid the area if possible. The #5 disaster star will reside in the Northeast in 2025. Activating the #5 disaster star can bring about financial disasters and accidents. If your bedroom or office is in the Northeast, it is advisable to relocate if possible. If you can’t, keep it as quiet as possible and minimise how much time you spend there. Favourable locations this year include the East, where the #9 resides which focuses on celebrations, opportunities and recognition. #1 in the Southeast represents growth, education, communication, networking and logistics. #6 in the South supports leadership, mentoring, and promotional opportunities and #8 in the Southwest brings wealth and career success and is likely to see more women assume top leadership positions and take the limelight. Be mindful that while the annual Flying Stars maintain their positions for the year, there are daily and monthly Flying Stars that interact with them, either increasing or decreasing their strength.
The team at ChiChart wish you peace, love, and happiness for the New Year!
The above forecast for the 2025 Yin Wood Snake has been drawn from the wisdom and teachings of the highly esteemed Dr. Lily Chung. To learn more about Bazi you can order her latest book on Amazon called ‘Bazi Reading by Special Pillars and Stars’. It has over 100 Special Pillars & Stars revealing the secret of Bazi through real-life examples.
To find out how you can successfully navigate the Year of the Yin Wood Snake in 2025, download the ChiChart app from Apple or Google Play.